Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Very Special Celebration

My family is commemorating a Very Special Holiday this evening, We're celebrating the birthday of The Prophet Joeph Smith, Prophet, Seer, and Revelator,  Restorer of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We had an elegant birthday dinner for The Prophet. Each family member has wrapped a gift for the Prophet, which the Patriarch of our home will open. Then we'll sing "Praise to the Man," "Oh, How Lovely was the Morning," and "Oh Give me Back My Prophet Dear." Following the singing of hymns, we will sing "Happy Birthday, Dear Prophet" as we take turns blowing out the candles on his cake ((38 to honor his final birthday)) one by one. When the last candle has been extinguished, we silently take the cake into the backyard of our apartment complext and bury it in the yard.

It is so important at this time of celebrating Christmas that we also remember the life and sacrifices of The Prophet Joseph Smith. It is so important that we do this in our children's informative years. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wisdom From Our Leaders

     My mother was a leader at the stake level for as long as I can remember. She usually served in Relief Society but also served at least one calling in Young Women's and Primary. My five sisters have all had at least one calling at the stake level. Each of my sisters was called to serve at the stake level before they were at the age I am now, 31. And then there's yours truly, laboring away at a smorgasbord of low-prestige jobs all at the ward level. It does not help my self esteem.
     Yet one of our General authorities ((which one I don't remember, which maybe should give me a slight clue of why I'm still plodding along helping my ward while others have advanced beyond me)) has  counseled us not to seek after positions. I take this to heart as I prepare lessons for my Beehives or wave my arm to a three-four beat pattern in Relief Society. It is not for me to decide where I will serve or whom I will serve. It is rather for me to serve and accept the guidance of our Savior and His designated leaders in telling me in what ways I am most needed. Someday perhaps I will be blessed with thatmost important Stake calling but until then I must be the best ward worker I know how to be.

If you can't be the pine at the top of the hill,
Be a shrub in the valley below.
The best little scrub in the valley below,
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.
If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway happier make
If you can't be a muskie, then just be a bass,
But be the liveiest bass in the Lake!
We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
There's something for all of us here.
There's big work to do and lesser to do,
And the task we must do is the near.
If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun, be a star.
It isn't by size that you win or you fail,
Be the best of whatever you are."
                               -Douglas Malloch

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


If you are an adult, you most likely were an adolescent first. That doesn't make adolescents any easier for me to tolerate. Earlier this afternoon I read the blog of a supposedly seventeen-year-old. I'm not sure why I say supposedly unless it's becuse i've learned to be skeptical of anything I come across on the internet, as the writings had all the earmarks of those written by an adolescent.

This particular young person, Alexis Rousseau although she states that "Rousseau" is not her actual surname, is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints but claims to know a great deal about our church. She claims to have many relatives who belong to or church. ((I'm not a Mormon but some of my best friends are. wink wink)) Whatever!

Miss "Rousseau" made the mistake of taking on someone whom I hold in highest esteem, who is Sister Jessica Beagley. Sister Beagley is a Stake Primary President, yet this little know-nothing seventeen-year-old feels free to criticize her as though Sister Beagley is one of Miss "Rousseau's" peers.

Jessica Beagley is a shining example of motherhood to which we all should aspire. The very fact that she has adopted and has been sealed in a Temple of the Lord to three Russian orphans is evidence by itself of her great compassion for children. Miss "Rousseau" thinks she knows better than Sister Beagley how to discipline an orphan exhibiting the traits of Reactive Attachment Disorder. As if!!!

 Alexis "Rousseau" needs to be slapped. I don't know who her parents are, but they must rein this child in before she does more damage than she has already done. If I had more time I would start a "Slap Alexis!" campaign. Children and teens need to repect their elders who are also their betters in every sense of the word. Or even better, perhaps this young  Alexis needs a dose of hot sauce and a cold shower herself.
Mr. and Mrs. "Rouseau" if you're reading get your child under control before someone else  does it for you.

Should Have Done This a Long Time Ago

I've never been great about either keeping journals for my children or making them do it. I'm hoping that if i record our milestones here, I'll at least have a record of when everything happened.
Welcome to family and church friends!